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How to Avoid These Common Complications of Whiplash

Written By ChiroConcepts of Plano West on September 8, 2023

a guy with neck pain from auto injury

At ChiroConcepts Plano, our chiropractors have decades of experience evaluating, diagnosing, and treating auto injuries in Plano, TX, and the surrounding areas. Our team will complete a full physical examination, run diagnostic testing and lab work, and screen you for common auto injuries and neurological problems. Whiplash is one of the most common auto injuries, but can be easy to miss as you may not show signs and symptoms for days or weeks. If you don’t get whiplash treatment early enough, you’re at risk of suffering from these common whiplash complications. 


A whiplash injury occurs when your head snaps forcefully front and back or from side to side. This type of auto accident can also increase your risk of a concussion. When you visit our office for auto injury treatment, we will complete a full screening to check you for signs of a concussion, neurological problems, and whiplash. We have access to diagnostic imaging tools, and can take an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan to uncover hidden injuries. If you don’t seek treatment, we may not catch the warning signs of a concussion early enough. This puts you at risk of chronic headaches, dizziness, trouble concentrating, and other complications. 

Neurological Problems

Untreated whiplash can also increase your risk of neurological problems. In rare cases, you could be at risk of fatigue, dizziness, blurry vision, tinnitus, sleep disturbances, irritability, trouble concentrating, memory problems, and depression. You’re also at risk of balance problems. The trauma you experience during your auto accident can damage or compress the nerves in your neck, leading to cervicogenic dizziness. We can complete a screening and imaging to determine if you have any nerve damage in your neck.

Chronic Aches, Pains, & Stiffness

The most common symptoms of whiplash are neck and shoulder pain, headaches, stiffness, inflammation, and loss of range of motion in the neck. Without whiplash treatment, it’s possible for some of these symptoms to become chronic or permanent. You may suffer from scarring, muscle and tendon damage, loss of muscle strength, and other problems that cause chronic aches and pains and stiffness.

Schedule a Screening for Whiplash in Plano, TX

Don’t delay in seeking whiplash treatment in Plano, TX. Visit us at ChiroConcepts Plano today to get a full diagnostic workup, physical examination, and whiplash screening. We will create a personalized whiplash treatment plan for you that will relieve your symptoms and help you get back to your normal routine. Call us today or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Auto Injury