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Is Chiropractic Care a Safe, Effective Natural Headache Treatment?

Written By ChiroConcepts of Plano West on October 12, 2020

rsz headache2Have you ever seen the many headache treatment commercials on television?

You have a ton of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drug options available. But if you’re hesitant to jump on the medication bandwagon, you’re not alone. 

Fortunately, your Plano chiropractor can provide you with a safe, effective natural headache treatment. 

Why Medicinal Pain Management is Not Always the Best Route

Medications have their place. However, for pain relief, they should be the last resort, not the first approach. There are three reasons for this.

1. Harmful Side-Effects 

The news has made consumers well aware of the side effects of certain medications. Even television and print ads for prescription drugs list line after line of potential side effects. OTC medications, too, can damage your health. For instance, overuse of the most popular OTC pain medications can lead to kidney and liver damage

2. Addiction or Dependency 

Prescription pain killers, particularly opioids, can be extremely addictive. People who aren’t able to conquer their addiction can be at risk of overdose and death. In fact, in 2018, two out of three drug overdose victims involved opioid drugs.

3. Not Treating the Root Cause

Medications are made to stop the pain, often without addressing the underlying cause of the pain. The result is ongoing pain and dependency on pain killers.

Chiropractic Care: The Safe, Natural Headache Treatment Alternative

Your Plano chiropractor’s goal is to treat the root cause of headache pain. In many cases, pain can be caused by spinal misalignment, putting pressure on the nerves. Misalignment can also cause muscle strain. Tense shoulder, neck, and facial muscles can cause debilitating tension headaches

Using a mix of spinal adjustments and physical therapy, your Plano chiropractor can ease your pain now and prevent long-term damage. 

The adjustments will ease the pressure on the soft tissues of your body, while the physical therapy will reduce tension and inflammation.  

Book Your Natural Headache Treatment Today

ChiroConcepts of Plano West understand debilitating pain. Your Plano chiropractors want to help you feel like your healthiest self and will do all they can to ease your pain with a safe, effective, natural headache treatment plan.  

Tired of dealing with headaches? We can help! Contact us today at 972-781-1878 to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Chiropractic Headache Treatment